2nd SEEDS General Assembly and Stakeholder Engagement Meeting
Join us at the next SEEDS General Assembly and Stakeholder Engagement meeting on March 30th and 31st 2023 in Barcelona. This is a hybrid meeting open to all interested. The on-line link is provided upon registration.
Learn more about the SEEDS project: SEEDS develops a new service of air pollutant emissions and depositions products to demonstrate that enhanced satellite data use in emissions and depositions will not only improve the quality of the existing Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) products but will also enable new products and methods for increased stakeholder uptake.
During the meeting we will address the following questions:
- How can we use satellite data to measure air quality in cities?
- Is there a way to measure soil moisture from space that we can use in agriculture?
- Can satellites help bring additional transparency to industry CSR goals?
Scientific experts and end users will exchange their views on the added value of the available SEEDS air pollutant emissions and depositions products and discuss how to best test their capabilities. Discussions will be organized in five sessions:
- Industrial emissions
- Fire Emissions
- Emissions in cities
- Agricultural emissions
- Deposition fluxes and yields
- Physical information on Soil Moisture and Leaf Area Index for agriculture
SEEDS 2nd GA and Stakeholder Engagement Meeting Introduction - Leonor Tarrason (NILU)
E-PRTR Data & Verification Needs - Chris Dore (Aether)
Deriving emissions from satellites - Henk Eskes, Ronald van der A, Jieying Ding, Bas Mijling (KNMI)
SEEDS NOx emissions from industrial plants - Ronald van der A, Jieying Ding, Bas Mijling, Henk Eskes (KNMI)
Use of Copernicus data to assess emissions from Large Combustion Plants - Federico Antognazza (EEA)
Main use of biomass burning emissions in CAMS - Mark Parrington (ECMWF)
Fire emissions in SEEDS - Jenny Stavrakou, Glenn-Michael Oomen, Jean-François Mülle (BIRA)
SEEDS NOx emissions in cities - Ronald van der A, Jieying Ding, Bas Mijling, Henk Eskes (KNMI)
Lessons learnt from Catalonian emissions in cooperation with SEEDS - Marc Guevara (BSC)
SEEDS VOCs and links to ozone - Glenn-Michael Oomen (BIRA)
SEEDS and expectations from CAMS – 2023 update - Vincent-Henri Peuch (ECMWF)
Ammonia (NH3) emissions - Jieying Ding, Ronald van der A, Henk Eskes (KNMI)
SEEDS soil NOx emissions - Ronald van der A, Jieying Ding, Bas Mijling, Xiaojuan Lin, Henk Eskes (KNMI)
Deposition of Nitrogen and Ozone Products - Paul Hamer (NILU), Jean-Christophe Calvet (CNRM/Météo France), Pau Moreno (Lobelia)
Applications of Earth Observation products as a resource in agricultural management - Víctor Altés (isardSAT, UDL)
Added value of deposition products to the CAMS operational system - Joaquim Arteta, Nicolas Frébourg, Virginie Marécal (CNRM - Météo-France)
Soil moisture and LAI products - Jean-Christophe Calvet, (CNRM/Météo France)
Irrigation management based on models and remote sensing - Pere Quintana Seguí (Observatori de l’Ebre), M. José Escorihuela (isardSAT), Judith Cid (Observatori de l’Ebre)