SEEDS events
Join us in Toulouse for this hybrid meeting where we will reflect on the achievements and perspectives of the SEEDS project.

The CAMS user interaction workshop has the goal of bringing together the CAMS team and the users in order to collect feedback and learn from the user experience.

Join this webinar to share your views on the value and need for future operational products built on the scientific results of SEEDS.

Join us in Barcelona for this hybrid meeting where you can learn more about the status of SEEDS products and help us envisage ways to test them. The first day from 10:00 to 17:00 focuses on SEEDS emissions products. The second day, from 9:00 to 13:00 focuses on data for agriculture services. The meeting is open to all interested.

A first webinar will take place in 23 March 2022 to understand stakeholders’ needs and expectations from the SEEDS products.

The SEEDS 2nd General Assembly is hold back-to-back with the 2nd SEEDS Advisory Board meeting and the 1st Periodic Review

SEEDS first Periodic Review Meeting

SEEDS kick-off meeting and 1st General Assembly was hold on-line and included the participation of the SEEDS Advisory Board.