Final General Assembly
Join us at the SEEDS Final General Assembly on December 5-6 2023 in Toulouse. This is a hybrid meeting open to all interested. The on-line link is provided upon registration.
As we approach the conclusion of this three-year project, the upcoming General Assembly presents an opportunity to celebrate our achievements, share invaluable lessons learned, and delve into the significant contributions of SEEDS data assimilation to improve CAMS products. We will contextualize our results by integrating the insights gained from the stakeholder webinar, ensuring the optimization of product utility.
Discussions will be organized in five sessions: Industrial emissions Fire Emissions Emissions in cities Agricultural emissions Deposition fluxes and yields Physical information on Soil Moisture and Leaf Area Index for agriculture
Please register in the following link to book your seat in the webinar. As the date approaches you will receive the connection link.
Block 1: Industrial emissions
- Key messages from SEEDS project, Leonor Tarrason (NILU)
- Added value of the SEEDS assimilation scheme, Emanuele Emili (BSC)
- Lessons learnt for SEEDS NOx emissions from industrial plants, Ronald van der A (KNMI)
- Experiences with use satellite data for industrial emissions at EEA: strengths and limitations, Federico Antognazza (EEA)
- Alternative approaches to derive industrial emissions from satellite data, Henk Eskes (KNMI)
- The planned use of satellite data in CAMS for industrial emissions, Jeroen Keunen (TNO)
Block 2 – Emissions in cities
- SEEDS NOx emissions in cities, links to CAMEO and further cooperation with CAMS, Ronald Van der A (KMNI)
- Needs and expectations from different stakeholders to EO emission data - Summary from the SEEDS Stakeholder seminar from 28th November, Isadora Jimenez (Lobelia)
Block 3: Fire and Biogenic Emissions
- Fire emissions in SEEDS, Jenny Stavrakou (BIRA-IASB)
- Perspectives for European scale services on Fires, Johannes Keiser (NILU)
- SEEDS top-down BVOC emissions: an outlook for CAMS, Glenn-Michael Oomen (BIRA-IASB)
- Perspectives on BVOC emission estimates from CAMS, Kateřina Šindelářová (MFF CUNI)
- SEEDS approach to Bottom-up BVOC emissions, Paul Hamer (NILU)
- Added value of SEEDS emission products for daily forecasts, Joaquim Arteta (MFF)
Block 4: Agricultural emissions
- SEEDS NH3 emissions, Jieying Ding (KNMI)
- SEEDS Soil emissions of NOx and comparison with CAMS, Ronald van der A (KNMI)
- Evaluation of SEEDS agricultural emissions in Denmark, Camilla Geels (AU)
- Experience in Northern Italy with ammonia (NH3): emissions, using in situ observations and satellite derived products, Alessandro Marongiu (ARPA Lombardia)
- Added value of SEEDS agricultural emission products for daily forecasts, Joaquim Arteta (MFF)
Block 5: Deposition fluxes and yields
- SEEDS Nitrogen and Ozone dry depositions, Paul Hamer (NILU)
- Implementation of bidirectional flux in DEHM, MATCH and EMEP and links to SEEDS, Lise Marie Frohn Rasmussen (AU)
- Dry Deposition perspectives in CAMS, David Simpson (MET NORWAY)
Block 6 : Physical information on SM and LAI
- SEEDS Soil Moisture and LAI products and links to CORSO, Jean-Christophe Calvet (CNRM)
- Potential use of remote sensing data on canopy and soils to represent surface-atmosphere exchange of pollutants and GHG, Benjamin Loubet (INRAE)
- Added value of SEEDS deposition in CAMS, Joaquim Arteta (MeteoFrance)