Improved CAMS products
The added-value of the SEEDS emission and deposition products is demonstrated though their capabilities to improve the current CAMS operational type chain to prepare further production and use in downstream applications.

The capabilities of the new SEEDS products are systematically evaluated in a part of the CAMS production chain.
- SEEDS demonstration products are assessment reports on:
- the capability of SEEDS up-to date emission data
- the capability of SEEDS deposition and land surface data
- the capability of SEEDS 4DEnVar data assimilation algorithm
- the capability of the combined SEEDS methods and data products
- to improve current CAMS regional forecasting products

SEEDS demonstrates the capabilities of its new products by testing them in the current CAMS regional production chain, quantifying the improvements they enable in the service performance for forecasting products and identifying feasible ways to secure an effective introduction of the SEEDS products in the operational CAMS production system.
The performance of the new SEEDS emission and deposition products and the 4DEnVar algorithm are assessed individually and collectively against existing CAMS air-quality forecast and analyses. The basis of the evaluation is the MOCAGE modelling chain that is currently operational in the CAMS production system. The focus is on forecasting results for ozone, NO₂, PM10 and PM2.5 as they represent the most critical air quality species and the ones that are chemically related to the species of the new emission products (NOx, HCHO, NH₃, satellite-derived and bottom-up BVOC) and affected directly or indirectly by dry deposition of ozone and nitrogen compounds.
SEEDS will also identify pathways to secure that SEEDS added-value products can be integrated into the CAMS operational air-quality forecast and analysis chain to be used by the core service for the benefit of downstream applications and end-users.